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Annah Rais is located about 60km from Kuching City. It is situated on both banks of Sarawak River. The longhouse itself consists of about 80 doors, while the remaining of about 70 units are scattered single houses. Estimated around 1000 populations of the longhouse folks live harmoniously under the leadership of a headman/ chief (Ketua Kaum). About 60% of the populations are farmers. They plant padi, pepper, rubber and other cash crops. Another 40% moved to cities for career-call in government departments and private sectors.
This longhouse is as old as five generations. It is believed that our ancestors first settled at the foot of Mount Penrissen and later moved downward to four hill-tops. The choice of setting on higher ground was meant for security reason because in those days head hunting activity was widely practice in Sarawak.
When the White Rajah or the Englishman named James Brooke came and ruled Sarawak in the early 19th century, peace was gradually installed. This enable our ancestors to move down from mountain and hill-tops and settled here in what is known now as Annah Rais Longhouse.
Come and visit us if only you would like to know more about the life styles and cultures of the longhouse inhabitants. Join the home stay programs because it will enable you to experience the real life styles of the village folks. Join us with gardening, farming, hunting and fishing.
Finally, go for jungle trekking in order to see for yourself the beauty of our tropical rainforest and a few stunning waterfalls. For your information, your stay here will be fully occupied with many guided tours and activities. We hope that you will enjoy your stay with us because we love to see our guest’s smile and we do our best to make you smile by satisfying you with the great experiences during your holidays with us.